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PBO-7 Technical Support System

Nama : Bobbi Aditya
NRP : 05111740000099
Kelas : PBO-A

Disini saya membuat sebuah technical support system dengan 3 kelas, yakni:
  1. SupportSystem
  2. Responder
  3. InputReader

Berikut saya sertakan source code dari class saya:
  * Write a description of class Responder here.  
  * @author Bobbi Aditya  
  * @version 1.00  
 public class Responder  
   // instance variables - replace the example below with your own  
     public Responder()  
     public String generateResponse()  
       return "That sounds interesting. Tell me more..." ;  
 import java.util.Scanner;  
  * Write a description of class InputReader here.  
  * @author Bobbi Aditya  
  * @version 1.00  
 public class InputReader  
   public String getInput()  
     Scanner sc=new Scanner(;  
     String inputan;  
     inputan =;  
     return inputan;  
  * Write a description of class SupportSystem here.  
  * @author Bobbi Aditya  
  * @version 1.00  
 public class SupportSystem  
   private InputReader reader;  
   private Responder responder;  
   public SupportSystem()  
     reader = new InputReader();  
     responder= new Responder();  
   public void start()  
     boolean finished=false;  
       String input = reader.getInput();  
         String response=responder.generateResponse();  
   private void printWelcome()  
       System.out.println("Welcome to the Bobbi Aditya Technical Support System." );  
       System.out.println( "Please tell us about your problem." );  
       System.out.println("We will assist you with any problem you might have." );  
       System.out.println("Please type 'bye' to exit our system." );  
   private void printGoodbye()  
     System.out.println("Nice talking to you. Bye..");  

Hasilnya adalah seperti di bawah ini


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