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PWEB-Tugas Membuat registrasi laman berita

Dari website berita yang saya buat, sekarang saya tambahlan laman registrasi dalam laman berita saya. Ini adalah link laman berita saya (ini linknya) atau bisa diliat dibawah ini
source code HTML nya adalah:
 <!DOCTYPE html>  
      <title>Tech in Asia - Connecting Asia's startup ecosystem</title>  
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                          <img src="" style=" float: left; width: 300px;height: 200px;">  
                          <h3>How to run a product team, according to a VP of product</h3>  
                          <p>Lessons on collaboration, culture, recruiting, and alignment.</p>  
                          <button class="btn">Read More..</button>  
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                          <img src="" style="float: left;width: 300px;height: 200px;">  
                          <h3>In brief: Careem buys Indian bus app Commut, merges assets with rival Shuttl</h3>  
                          <p>The Emirati ride-hailing firm is itself said to be engaged in takeover talks with Uber</p>  
                          <button class="btn">Read More..</button>  
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                          <img src="" style="float: left;width: 300px;height: 200px;">  
                          <h3>Honestbee raised around $46m since series A. Its biggest backer is one of Korea's chaebols</h3>  
                          <p>Honestbee's biggest shareholder is LS Corp, which made US$8.5 billion in revenue in 2017.</p>  
                          <button class="btn">Read More..</button>  
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                          <h2>What new?</h2>  
                               <img src="" style="float: left;width: 34px;height: 34px;">  
                               <h1>Senior NodeJS Developer</h1>  
                               <img src="" style="float: left;width: 34px;height: 34px;">  
                               <h1>BackEnd Engineer</h1>  
                               <img src="" style="float: left;width: 34px;height:34px;">  
                               <h1>Sales Representative</h1>  
                               <img src="" style="float: left;width: 34px;height: 34px;">  
                               <h1>Content Writer</h1>  
                               <p>ADX Asia</p>  
                               <img src="" style="float: left;width: 34px;height: 34px;">  
                               <h1>Sales Executive & Sales Support Executive</h1>  
                     <div class="footer" >  
                          <h2>Copyright 2017 masicobacoba</h2>  
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Laman registrasinya bisa d akses di link berikut(ini linknya) atau bisa dilihat dibawah ini
Source code htmlnya adalah
 <!DOCTYPE html>   
      <title>Tech in Asia - Connecting Asia's startup ecosystem</title>  
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                <li><a href="registrasi.html">Registration</a></li>  
       <div class="content">   
            <h3 align="center">REGISTRASI</h3>   
              <table width="600" height="550" align="center">   
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                  <td>Jenis Kelamin</td>   
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                    <datalist id="gender">   
                        <option value="Laki-laki">Laki-laki</option>   
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               <td><input type="text" name="berita" list="berita"/>   
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               <label for="pass"><b>Password</b></label></td>   
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            <p align="center">Copyright 2018</p>   
Source Code CSS dari kedua html tersebut adalah
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Nama: Bobbi Aditya
NRP : 05111740000099
Kelas : PWeb C


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